Plant Health Care

Because trees need health care too!

Plant Health Care can range from mulching, pesticides, fertilizing and more. Ultimately it is working to maintain the overall health of your trees and shrubs. Depending on the current health of your plants, there are various methods that Ankor Tree Experts’ team of ISA Certified Arborists can utilize to help improve their health.

What is Plant Health Care?

When we provide the best care for our trees, the become better equipped to take care of us. We need trees and their health directly affects ours. Whether that is safety, property beautification, infestation management or just simply the air we breathe, Plant Health Care helps give our trees the ability to live longer, stronger and healthier lives in our ever-changing climate. It can also help them become less susceptible to problems throughout the seasons with routine care.

Why is Plant Health Care Important?

Our Services

Here are just some of the Plant Health Care services and treatments Ankor Tree Experts can provide. Contact us today with any questions or concerns and to schedule your inspection.


  • First step in Plant Health Care to assess current status of plants, their needs and begin navigating options to improve their health

  • Thorough overall look at your plants, from roots to canopy

  • Identify current and potential problems based on their environment

Tree Injections

  • Useful in highly sensitive or confined areas

  • No overspray

  • Targeted treatments

Bark & Foliar Sprays

  • Wide range of treatments available

  • Treatment for pests and fungal infections


  • Helpful to retain soil moisture and encourage root growth

  • Protects and increases soil nutrients

  • Expanding mulch ring to provide coverage and room for roots to grow

Root Excavation & Surgery

  • Reveals problem areas from the ground up

  • Preventative measure to remove troublesome root growth

  • Mediates root girdling


  • Increases availability of nutrients

  • Can be used in conjunction with other treatments

  • Improves the vitality of soil

Companion Planting

  • Form of pest control

  • More holistic approach to deterring infestation and promoting plant growth

Pesticide Treatments

  • Control or irradiate targeted irritant

  • Useful for insects or plant funguses